Get the Facts
About Kansas Oil & Gas
Did you know?
Its stability and dependability are critical to our Kansas Economy.
In fact, Kansas would look a lot different without it.
Oil & Gas
Oil & Gas
Kansans Wouldn’t Have Jobs
Jobs that Generate
$3 Billion
In Kansas Family Income
If Kansas Oil & Gas
Were Out of the Picture

$2 Million
Wouldn’t go directly into the hands of local educators.
$1.4 Billion
Wouldn’t go toward state and local tax revenue.
Kansas Oil & Gas Makes a Difference.
For our students & our communities.
It’s Probably No Surprise That…
90% of Kansas Land
Is devoted to agriculture production.
But Did You Know…
89 out of 105 Counties in Kansas Produce Petroleum
69% of U.S energy comes from Oil and Natural Gas
We Have More Local Operators
Than Any Other Region in the United States.
Oil & Gas.
It’s a part of who we are.
Oil & Gas Makes a Difference for Kansas…
And The World
If We Didn’t Have Oil & Gas
Over Half of the World’s Energy
Wouldn’t Exist.
Global demand for oil and gas to increase by 28%
Projected by The International Energy Agency (IEA)
Oil & Gas Fuels Our World
But What About Its Effect on Our Planet?
The oil and natural gas industry has proven that over the long-term it is possible to lead in energy production AND safe and environmental stewardship.
Over the Past Decade
More Funds Have Been Dedicated
To low and zero-carbon emitting technologies by the Oil & Gas Industry than those dedicated by the federal government.
In Fact, The Oil & Gas Industry…
Has Spent As Much On These Technologies
As all other industries combined.
The Oil & Gas Industry is Committed to Sustainability.
Methane Emissions Declined by 3.8%
In 2019, the fourth consecutive year for such decline.
In the last 50 years, national emissions have dropped by 73 percent, giving the U.S. the cleanest air since 1970.

Natural Gas Production and Achieving Climate Goals Are Not Mutually Exclusive.
When It Comes to Groundwater Pollution….

Not One Drop
Has been contributed by hydraulic fracturing and injection wells—in the past 40 years.
Sustainability is more than a mission. It’s how we operate.
If You Think You Know Oil & Gas.
Always Look Closer.
Because without It…
Our State. Our Country.
Our State. Our Country.
And Our World…
Wouldn’t Be the Same.
Would you like to find out more about the O&NG community?
Kansas Strong
100 S. Main
Suite 120
Wichita, Kansas 67202
P: 316-771-7167