Let’s Have Some Real Conversations about the Impact of Oil and Natural Gas in Kansas
Oil and Natural Gas is Vital to Our Way of Life
The Kansas oil and natural gas industry is essential to our state and society. This industry helps us reduce our dependence on foreign resources by providing the energy we need to live our lives. The money generated from the oil and natural gas industry also helps to fund schools, build bridges and roads, and create tens of thousands of jobs. This industry is an integral part of Kansas, and we are proud to provide the energy that is so vital to our way of life.
Transition to Renewables Is Not Imminent
Contrary to what many people believe, fully transitioning to renewable energy is not happening in the immediate future.
Currently, 80% of the world’s energy comes from fossil fuels, and 56% of that is sourced from oil and natural gas. Likewise, oil and natural gas are the only form of energy that produces useful byproducts that are used in millions of products that enrich our lives.
In order to continue to meet the increasing demands, we must produce 28% more energy by 2050. And the reality is we cannot do that with wind and solar energy. We need oil and natural gas.
Oil and Natural Gas Powers Our Economy
Currently, the Kansas oil and natural gas industry pays out over three billion dollars to the more than 11,400 Kansans they employ and supports more than 100,00 additional jobs in Kansas. Likewise, the industry is responsible for contributing more than 1.4 billion dollars to state and local taxes that fund important initiatives, like education, throughout the state. Furthermore, most of the oil producers in the state of Kansas are independent producers that live right here in Kansas and contribute significantly to the well-being of their communities.
But, like many other industries, the need for qualified workers is increasing. In order for Kansas to continue its legacy of being the eleventh-ranked oil producer and fifteenth-ranked natural gas producer in the nation, we need younger generations to apply for jobs and begin lifelong careers in the oil and natural gas industry.

Kansas Strong’s Commitment to Education and Information
Kansas Strong is a nonprofit organization that is funded by oil and natural gas producers in order to provide education and information about the vital role this industry plays in our lives. By providing accurate information, they are helping Kansans learn more about the realities of the energy industry to create a more informed society and prepare for the future.